Why is it important to protect covered outside areas of a building with an automatic sprinkler system?
January 30, 2025
by Nils Deacon, Manager, Inspections and Rating Services
Insurance companies often give premium reductions to insureds whose buildings are protected by automatic sprinkler systems. This recognizes the critical role sprinkler systems provide in reducing a loss in the event of a fire in the structure.
A recent underwriting inspection of a large, three-story medical office building revealed a significant area that was not protected by the automatic sprinkler system. This area was a covered pass-through between a front and rear parking lot.
The rest of the building was protected by the sprinkler system. NFPA 13, The Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, requires all areas of a building be protected by an automatic sprinkler system.
The major concern would be an accident in this area with damaged vehicles that could conceivably catch on fire. There would be no fire protection in this confined space, and the second and third floors and their occupants above this section would be in immediate danger.
With no sprinkler system protecting this zone, the entire building could also be compromised by an intense vehicle fire.
The reason a sprinkler system was not installed in this area was reportedly because it was unheated so sprinkler piping could freeze and burst.
This problem has a readily available solution, which is covered by the following Underwriters’ Corner article.
DISCLAIMER: This information reflects the interpretation of MSO, Inc. with regard to NFPA Standards and Codes and other code sources. It does not represent these codes’ official position on the items discussed.
Non-sprinklered pass-through