MSO Golf Outing Benefits Emmanuel Cancer Foundation
JULY 2017
Glen Rock, NJ – MSO®, Inc. (The Mutual Service Office, Inc.), an insurance rating/service bureau located in Glen Rock, NJ, held its 24th Annual MSO Golf Outing on May 23, 2017. At the outing, held at the Heron Glen Golf Course in Ringoes, NJ, MSO offered attendees and companies the opportunity to sponsor a hole, with proceeds going to Emmanuel Cancer Foundation.

Pictured left to right:
Megan Townley, MSO Director Operations and Project Management, Pepper Treuvey, MSO Corporate Secretary and Senior Product Development Analyst, Patricia Brussel, Northern Regional Director for the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation, and Maria Blaney, MSO Clerk Specialist.
For over 20 years, MSO has held a bi-weekly food collection for the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation (ECF) and their food pantry. ECF provides much-needed support to New Jersey families of children who have been diagnosed with cancer.
Thanks to the generous donors, MSO was able to collect $5,500 for ECF. The “big” check was delivered to Patricia Brussel, Northern Regional Director for the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation Northern Regional Center by Jan Scites, Megan Townley, Maria Blaney and Pepper Treuvey of MSO, Inc.
MSO is a national property and casualty rating service bureau, providing product development and rating services to the insurance industry since 1944. MSO has long been an industry leader, offering comprehensive and easy-to-use programs. MSO works with companies to customize programs to meet a company’s marketing and underwriting requirements.
For information on all of the programs and services offered by MSO, call Sue C. Quimby, CPCU.